Greetings again, and welcome back! We're glad you are continuing on with the study.
Today we'll study a particularly important truth about overcoming sexual sin (or any sin): one alone may be overcome; two can be victorious.
Let's read the following passage from Ecclesiastes 4:
欢迎回来!我们很高兴你能继续来学习这课程。今天我们将学习关于胜过性罪行(或其他任何罪)一个非常重要的真理: 一个人可能被攻胜,两个人则大获全胜。
9 Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: 10 If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!
11 Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? 12 Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
9 两个人总比一个人好,因为二人劳碌同得美好的果效。10若是跌倒,这人可以扶起他的同伴;若是孤身跌倒,没有别人扶起他来,这人就有祸了!
11再者,二人同睡,就都暖和;一人独睡,怎能暖和呢?12有人攻胜孤身一人,若有二人便能抵挡他;三股合成的绳子不容易折断。传道书 4:9-12
Today's lesson explains the value and necessity of finding and maintaining an accountability partner.
Question 1
问题 1
According to verse 9, above, why are two better than one?
A study was once done to determine the true value of team effort. The study revealed that one horse pulling alone was able to pull 2,500 pounds.
The test was then repeated with two horses pulling together; it was found that the two horses were able to pull 12,500 pounds! Two horses together could pull 5 times the weight that one horse alone could pull!
Teamwork is critical in overcoming pornography and sexual sin. As I have told you, I was in bondage to pornography for 15 years, the last 10 as a professing Christian. I kept my sins a secret because I was too proud to tell anyone else.
But God brought me very low, and then showed me the importance of accountability. My wife and my pastor became my accountability partners. Since that time, I've been totally free from all forms of sexual impurity. Two really are better than one!
My freedom and victory are closely related to the accountability in my life.
"Two are better than one, and more happy jointly than either of them could be separately, more pleased in one another than they could be in themselves only, mutually serviceable to each other's welfare, and by a united strength more likely to do good to others"Matthew Henry
“两人总比一人好,携起手来比各自为政更有福,独乐不如众乐,为彼此的福祉而相互效力,且一股合力对他人更有益处。” 马太·亨利
Have you ever read Pilgrim's Progress? It is a wonderful allegory of the Christian life. In one scene, a man named Hope desires to take a nap in the land of Enchantment.
But Christian, the protagonist, reminds him of 1 Thessalonians 5:6: "let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober."
Hope, reminded of the truth of Scripture, replies gratefully: "I acknowledge that I was wrong; and if I would have been here alone, by my sleeping I would have been in danger of death.
I see it is true what that wise man said, 'Two are better than one.' Therefore you being here has been a mercy to me; and you will have a good reward for your labor."
Friend, an accountability partner should, through love of the Scriptures and care for your soul, be able to detect when you are about to "fall sleep" in the "land of enchantment" (which in our case is the fantasy life of pornography or sexual sin). "Hope" is restored when another "Christian" helps to wake us up.
"If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!" Ecclesiastes 4:10
若是跌倒,这人可以扶起他的同伴;若是孤身跌倒,没有别人扶起他来,这人就有祸了!传道书 4:10
Question 2
问题 2
Can you recall a time when you've "fallen" into sexual sin and had no strength to "get up?" What were the results? What did you do?
Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted. Galatians 6:1
弟兄们,若有人偶然被过犯所胜,你们属灵的人就当用温柔的心把他挽回过来,又当自己小心,恐怕也被引诱。 加拉太书 6:1
Question 3
From Galatians 6:1 above, what qualifications does your future partner need to possess in order to help you?
从以上加拉太书 6:1,你将来的伙伴需要具备什么素质以帮助你?
Question 4
Have you ever had someone come alongside and help you "pull more weight?" Has anyone ever helped you up when you fell into pornography or sexual impurity?
But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness. Hebrews 3:13
总要趁着还有今日,天天彼此相劝,免得你们中间有人被罪迷惑,心里就刚硬了。 希伯来书 3:13
Question 5
Notice how "daily encouragement" is an antidote to sin. According to this verse, how often should you and your accountability partner communicate?
If we are serious about overcoming sin, we must have an accountability partner. Here's how to introduce accountability to your life:
·Church is important. If you are involved in church, speak with your pastor or other church leader. Simply ask his help in overcoming sexual sin, and ask if he will be an accountability partner for you.
l 教会是很重要的。如果你参加教会,对牧师或其他教会领袖说,请他们帮助你胜过性罪行,并问是否可以成为你的责任伙伴。
·Your spouse, if you are married, should eventually become your main accountability partner. Have you shared your struggles with him or her and asked for help? If not, this may be the time to do so.
l 如果你已经结婚,你的配偶应该最终成为你的责任伙伴。你是否对你的配偶讲过你内心的挣扎,并要求帮助呢?如果没有,现在就是很好时机。
· Finally, your mentor in this course may double as your accountability partner at your request.
l 最后,本课程的导师可以应你的要求成为你的第二个责任伙伴。
Here are some guidelines to follow when you initiate accountability with your partner:
1 You agree to openness and honesty.Bondage to sexual impurity brings deception with it, and some of us have been deceptive for years. If we want to find freedom, we must start with honesty, even if it is humbling.
If your accountability partner asks how you are doing, and you have just fallen into sexual sin, you must honestly admit it.
1 同意开诚布公。性污秽的捆绑同时也带来欺骗,我们中有些人已经自欺欺人很多年了。如果我们想要得释放,就必须从讲真话开始,哪怕这是很丢人的事。如果你的责任伙伴问你一些情况,而你刚好跌倒在罪中,你就必须老实承认这一点。
2 You agree to prepare a list of the circumstances that are likely to lead you into sexual impurity, and make a plan for dealing with each one. Ask your accountability partner to comment on your plan and hold you accountable to it.
2 同意准备一份清单,列出可能导致你跌倒在性污秽中的情况,并有针对性地制定一个计划。请你的责任伙伴对计划做出评价,并负起监督的责任。
3 You agree to give your partner freedom to ask the hard questions, without taking offense—questions like "Have you seen any pornography today?" or "Did you break off that sinful relationship completely, as you said you would?"
3 同意你的伙伴可以自由地问些尖锐的问题,对此不感到冒犯 - 比如像这样的问题:“今天是否看过色情网站?”或“你是否如你所说的已彻底断绝了有罪的性关系?”
4 You agree to initiate communication daily for the first 30 days, as much as is possible.
4 同意在起初的一个月内,尽可能多地由你发起交通。
"It is good for two to travel together, for if one happen to fall, he may be lost for want of a little help. If a man fall into sin, his friend will help to restore him with the spirit of meekness; if he fall into trouble, his friend will help to comfort him and assuage his grief."Matthew Henry
“两人同行,善莫大焉,若一人跌倒,一双援手可以消解心中的迷茫。若一人跌入罪中,友人用温柔的心灵可助他改邪归正;若身陷难处,友人可施以安抚,宽慰他的痛楚。” 马太·亨利
Course member John wrote, "Have you had anyone to help you up? Since I had hidden it so well (even from myself, to a point) no, I did not have someone to pull me up until recently.
Oh, I would pick my head up from the muck every once in a while by myself—usually after a good sermon—or some devotional reading struck too close to home, but I never stayed above water too long. That is, until I once again was picked up by God, shook off and placed in front of a mirror to see the filth I was in (that was about 18 days ago now).
He lead me to the Way of Purity course, and God is using the Scriptures in the course to give me strength to fight the demon of lust in my life and the courage to go to my accountability partner (who I never truly let in to this secret—though I had hinted of a potential problem) and confessed my need for his help here, as well."
哎,我只是偶然一两次可以自己从污水中抬起头来 -通常是听了一场好的布道之后- 或是读到一本触及痛处的灵修书,但我坚持不了多久又会沉沦。这样,直到神又一次搭救了我,才让我摆脱了污秽,并把我放到镜子面前,让我看到自己是多么得肮脏不堪(那是18天以前的事)。
祂把我带到洁净之路的课程,神用课程中的经文加给我力量,去和生命中的淫欲之魔搏斗,并鼓励我找到责任伙伴(以前我从不让我的伙伴知道这个秘密 -尽管我曾暗示有潜在的问题)并向他坦承我在这里也需要他的帮助。
It is good for two to travel together, for if one happen to fall, he may be lost for want of a little help. If a man fall into sin, his friend will help to restore him with the spirit of meekness; if he fall into trouble, his friend will help to comfort him and assuage his grief.Matthew Henry
“两人同行,善莫大焉,若一人跌倒,一双援手可以消解心中的迷茫。若一人跌入罪中,友人用温柔的心灵可助他改邪归正;若身陷难处,友人可施以安抚,宽慰他的痛楚。” 马太·亨利
Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone?Ecclesiastes 4:11
再者,二人同睡,就都暖和;一人独睡,怎能暖和呢? 传道书 4:11
Ecclesiastes 4:11 refers to spiritual warmth or Christian zeal. It suggests that it's easy to become lukewarm toward Jesus if "alone," but together people can spur one another on toward loving Him more. We can help each other "stay warm" together.
传道书 4:11指的是属灵的温暖或基督徒的热情。意思是说如果只是“一个人”,就容易对耶稣不冷不热,但众人围聚就会彼此激励,更多爱主。我们可以互相帮助,“就都暖和”。
Question 6
How does this statement apply to our study: "Also, if two lie down together they can keep warm"?
Note: In Revelation 3, Jesus tells the church of Laodicea that it had grown "lukewarm." They needed to repent of their sin and restore their fellowship with Jesus Christ.
Question 7
How is your spiritual zeal?
问题 7
If two lie together, they have heat. So virtuous and gracious affections are excited by good society, and Christians warm one another by provoking one another to love and to good works. Matthew Henry
若两人同睡,就都暖和。所以贤友可以激发美德和慈爱,基督徒应彼此激励、彼此取暖,爱人为善。 马太·亨利
Let's move on to the final verse in today's lesson:
Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. Ecclesiastes 4:12
有人攻胜孤身一人,若有二人便能抵挡他; 传道书 4:12
We have discovered that two working together can produce spiritual fruit (vs. 9), spiritual restoration (vs. 10), and spiritual zeal (vs. 11)—and now we'll see that it also provides spiritual protection.
Question 8
What does verse 12 above teach that "two together" can provide?
Question 9
Has this spiritual protection been missing in your life in the past?
Yes No
是 不是
Question 10
Have you contacted someone yet to be an accountability partner with you?
Yes No
是 否
Let me be upfront with you: if you are unwilling to maintain an accountability relationship, then you will most likely not win the battle against sexual sin for any length of time.
Remember, "One can be overpowered." (I learned this the hard way in my own life. Without accountability, I was overpowered again and again.)
However, if you will contact your pastor, spouse, or someone else, then "Two can defend themselves" and you can experience victory, Friend! We are in a battle, dear friend—we can either be overpowered or we can defend ourselves... depending on our willingness to find a partner.
然而,如果你联络你的牧师、配偶或其他人,那么“两人就可以抵挡他们“,朋友,你就可以体会到胜利的滋味。亲爱的朋友,我们是在争战 -我们要么被击败,要么捍卫自身……这取决于是否愿意找一位伙伴。"
United strength. If an enemy find a man alone, he is likely to prevail against him; with his own single strength he cannot win, but, if he have a second, he may do well enough: two shall withstand him." Matthew Henry
团结就是力量。如果仇敌见我们孤身一人,就有可能胜过那个人;靠自己单枪匹马,是无法取胜的,但若有人相助,情况会大不相同:同心可以断金。 马太·亨利
This biblical story reinforces the truth we have been studying:
Joab saw that there were battle lines in front of him and behind him; so he selected some of the best troops in Israel and deployed them against the Arameans.
10 He put the rest of the men under the command of Abishai his brother and deployed them against the Ammonites.
11 Joab said, 'If the Arameans are too strong for me, then you are to come to my rescue; but if the Ammonites are too strong for you, then I will come to rescue you.
12Be strong and let us fight bravely for our people and the cities of our God. The LORD will do what is good in his sight. 2 Samuel 10:9-12
11约押对亚比筛说:“亚兰人若强过我,你就来帮助我;亚扪人若强过你,我就去帮助你。12我们都当刚强,为本国的民和神的城邑做大丈夫。因为耶和华凭祂的意旨而行。” 撒母耳记下 10:9-12
The battle ended in victory for the Israelites. Joab essentially said, "You help me with my enemy, and I'll help you with yours." And so together they were victorious, whereas separately they would have been conquered.
An accountability relationship provides spiritual protection from a mutual enemy. This plays out through prayer for each other, shared "battle tips," Bible study, and continual encouragement. This is a winnable war—but it takes two!
所以他们一起赢得了胜利,然而兵分两路就很可能被敌人征服了。责任制关系提供了防御共同敌人的属灵保障。这是通过彼此的代祷、分享“战争经验”、查经、和持续的鼓励来实现的。这是一场可以赢得的战争 -但需要同心协力!
"Christians need each other. There is strength in numbers. When isolated and separated from our brothers, we are easy pickings for the Enemy of our souls." Robert Daniels, The War Within
我们基督徒彼此需要。人多力量大。当我们与肢体隔离分开的时候,很容易成为仇敌的掠物。” Robert Daniels 《内心争战》 (The War Within)
Please share your thoughts on the following passages of Scripture:
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. 24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.
25 Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:23-25
As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17
也要坚守我们所承认的指望,不至摇动,因为那应许我们的是信实的。又要彼此相顾,激发爱心,勉励行善。你们不可停止聚会,好像那些停止惯了的人,倒要彼此劝勉。既知道那日子临近,就更当如此。 希伯来书10:23-25
铁磨铁,磨出刃来,朋友相感,也是如此。 箴言27:17
Question 11
Share your thoughts about the above passages:
Regarding the subject today, we encourage you to read the following exchange between Shon Bruellman, Executive Director of Setting Captives Free, and Chris, one of Shon's students, on lesson 8. Please click here to read the article.
关于今天的主题,我们鼓励你阅读Setting Captives Free (释放被掳的灵魂)执行董事Shon Bruellman和Shon的学生Chris之间关于第八课的交通。请点击这里阅读。
Finally, as a special bonus, we have secured permission from Chuck Colson's Prison Fellowship Ministries to reprint one of their articles on accountability. This is an excellent article; please take the time to read through it:
最后,作为特别的奖励,我们得到Chuck Colson 更生团契事工的许可,在此重印他们一篇关于责任制的文章。这是一篇精彩的文章,请花点时间来阅读。
A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.Ecclesiastes 4:12, NLT
有人攻胜孤身一人,若有二人便能抵挡他;三股合成的绳子不容易折断。 传道书 4:12
by Charles W. Colson
作者:Charles W. Colson
I urge all Christians not only to attend church services regularly but also to establish small groups of other Christians to whom they are accountable. I’ve seen this simple practice work wonders in my own life.
In fact, I would never have developed real Christian maturity merely by staying home, reading religious books and attending church once a week--no more than an athlete can develop by shooting baskets alone in the driveway. We’re all parts of a larger Body, and as parts we can’t operate alone. Nor is the Body fully formed when some of its parts are not fully integrated.
事实上,如果只是闭门不出、读些敬虔的书籍、每周一次礼拜的话,我就绝不可能成为一个成熟的基督徒 -这与一个运动员只在行车中练习投篮没什么区别。我们都是那伟大身体的一部分,作为肢体我们不可以单独运作。而要是没有肢体的完全连接,基督的身体也无法完全成形。
After I became a Christian, I was surrounded by some loving Christian brothers.
I credit my early spiritual growth to that prayer group. They made it clear from the beginning that they would meet with me regularly, and we agreed that I wouldn’t make decisions without them.
Why is this necessary? Even if Christ lives in you, and even if you’re a committed disciple, there will be times when temptation will be nearly overpowering.
We need to remember that we’re self-deluding creatures who are fully capable of rationalizing the worst sins, even as Christians. Remember the story of David and Nathan?
David, a man after God’s own heart, couldn’t see his own considerable sin, so Nathan told him the story of a man’s obvious sin. David was enraged and told Nathan the man should be punished. Only then could Nathan say, "You are the man!"
大卫,一个合神心意的人,竟然无法看清他自己严重的罪,所以拿单给他讲了一个人明显犯罪的故事。大卫很愤怒,对拿单说那人该受惩罚。只有在那时,拿单才说:“ 你就是那人!”
A group can tell us when we’re off base. A group has the wonderful ability to get us to focus on God rather than on ourselves. We may resist this, but without a group we will likely never recognize how out of focus we’re becoming.
Let me be the first to admit that over the years I’ve been tempted to sin, and I’ve done things wrong without even knowing it. Because the human heart is deceitful, the accountability of a small group is indispensable.
Reprinted with permission of
Prison Fellowship
P.O. Box 17500
Washington, DC 20041-7500
Prison Fellowship
华盛顿特区 20041-7500
To clarify what the first accountability question means, we have included the following explanation.
What does "feasting" mean?"
Feasting" is more than just reading the Bible; it is a term to express the nourishing of our souls in Jesus Christ.
It means that we are sitting at the feet of Jesus, hearing His Word and believing it, for the purpose of implementing the truths into our lives. It means we are receiving spiritual nourishment and we are delighting our souls in His grace and truth.
This may be done in reading our Bibles, hearing God's Word preached, interacting with others in the Scriptures, and studying through this course, etc. This definition is at least a start; further explanation is included in the lessons.
Have you been feasting on God's word?
Yes是 No 否
If so, when was the last time you feasted? And how? In other words, how did you enjoy God? Reading? Prayer? Worship? Fellowship? Witnessing?
These next, tough, accountability questions apply to the entire period since you did your last lesson.
Were you free from pornography since you did the last lesson?
Yes是 No否
Were you free from self-gratification since you did the last lesson?
Yes是 No 否
Were you free from sexual immorality since you did the last lesson?
Yes是 No否
If you answered "no" to any of the above questions, tell us what led to your fall. If you answered "yes" to the above questions, you may use this area for questions or additional comments.
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