Today, we'll examine the Gospel to see what it teaches about bondage to and freedom from sexual impurity. Examine the following Scripture passage:
But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear. Isaiah 59:2
但你们的罪孽使你们与神隔绝,你们的罪恶使祂掩面不听你们。 以赛亚书 59:2
Friend, when I was involved in pornography and self-gratification, I was separated from God, and God did not hear my prayers.
In fact, my constant sinning caused Him to hide His face from me because He cannot look on sin. I felt as if my prayers stopped at the ceiling and then fell to the floor! Even though I professed to be a Christian, I was "darkened in my understanding and separated from the life of God" (Ephesians 4:18).
事实上,我时常犯罪使祂向我掩面,因为祂看不得罪孽。我感到自己的祷告好像出不了屋顶,又摔回倒了地上!尽管我宣称自己是一个基督徒,但我“心地昏眛,与神所赐的生命隔绝了”(以弗所书 4:18)
Question 1
问题 1
Have you ever felt separated from God while involved in immorality?
Next, read the following passage:
21 Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior. 22 But now he has reconciled you by Christ's physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation
23 if you continue in your faith, established and firm, not moved from the hope held out in the gospel. This is the gospel that you heard and that has been proclaimed to every creature under heaven, and of which I, Paul, have become a servant. Col. 1:21-23
23只要你们在所信的道上恒心,根基稳固,坚定不移,不至被引动失去福音的盼望,这福音就是你们所听过的,也是传与普天下万人听的。我保罗也作了这福音的执事。歌罗西书 1:21-23
As I came out of pornography, the above verses described my past, present, and future. I had been "alienated from God" and was His "enemy" because of my "evil behavior."
Though I claimed to be a Christian, I was His enemy because of my habitual sinning. I was not genuinely converted until I turned from habitual sin and became captive to Jesus Christ.
But God took action on my behalf. He "reconciled me by Christ's physical body through death." I am no longer His enemy; I am reconciled to God through the death of Jesus Christ. He did this, not me.
Please understand that not everyone who has been involved in immorality is an enemy of God. You may be a Christian who has fallen into this trap, and are eager to be released.
I believe that in my case, although I claimed to know Christ, I did not truly know Him in a saving way. I knew about Him, but did not truly know Him through genuine repentance until January 1999.
Colossians 1 describes not only how we are saved, but how we come to leave sexual sin behind. Let's see what the above verses have to say about freedom from sexual impurity. They present three things: the problem, the solution, and the results.
The problem. Sin (in our case, sexual impurity) separates and alienates us from God. We are so distanced from God that we feel that our prayers are not heard—and they may not be.
Sexual sin, because it causes us to love the world, eventually leads us to hate God. The following is from an ex-minister of the gospel, after he fell into pornography and sexual impurity. Note that he is now an enemy of God in his mind, because of his evil behavior:
问题。罪(就我们而言,就是淫秽)使我们与神隔绝,并疏离了神。我们离神远远的,以至于我们感到自己的祷告不被垂听 -也许不尽如此。
"Inside of me rages such a depth of anger, so deep it interacts with the depths of hell. It rages and fires against God, all revolving around the loss of the position I cherished so much in ministry.
My flesh tells me that God was wrong, unfaithful, incorrect, cruel, and erroneous, and that I should not serve Him who did not keep his word to me. The devil tells me the same. 'He has not met your needs. He has failed you, led you to a position, and then did not rescue you when He could have.
Is this the kind of God you want to serve? The God who 'screws' you and leaves you defenseless? He has let you go mad. Is this the faithful deity you want to serve?"
Friend, I was nearly at this point, too. Sin had so hardened my heart that I was becoming a very hateful and angry person.
朋友, 我几乎也到过这样的地步。罪使我的心肠刚硬,让我成了一个怀恨且易怒的人。
Question 2
问题 2
Have you experienced this hatred for God? Some may say yes, others no, but be assured that if you continue in the path of sin, you will eventually get to the place where you hate God.
"No man can serve two masters: Either he will love the one and hate the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other" (Matthew 6:24)
“一个人不能侍奉两个主。不是恶这个爱那个,就是重这个轻那个。” (马太福音 6:24)
21 Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior. 22 But now he has reconciled you by Christ's physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation
23 if you continue in your faith, established and firm, not moved from the hope held out in the gospel. This is the gospel that you heard and that has been proclaimed to every creature under heaven, and of which I, Paul, have become a servant. Col. 1:21-23
23只要你们在所信的道上恒心,根基稳固,坚定不移,不至被引动失去福音的盼望,这福音就是你们所听过的,也是传与普天下万人听的。我保罗也作了这福音的执事。歌罗西书 1:21-23
The solution. God has reconciled us by putting Jesus to death. Because sexual sin causes us to eventually hate God, God took the initiative to reconcile us. He took all our sins off us and put them onto Jesus, who died to pay for them.
On the cross, Jesus was treated as a pornographer, a God-hater, and an enemy of God, in order to bring us back to God. He removed our sin that prevented us from having a relationship with God. The solution to the problem is Jesus Christ.
Question 3
问题 3
Please write out Colossians 1:22 (above):
请抄写以上歌罗西书 1:22
Question 4
问题 4
What has Jesus Christ done to deal with the problem of sin? What is the result for those who continue in the faith (see verse 23)?
耶稣为对付我们罪的问题做了什么? 对那些持守信心的人有什么果效(见23节)?
Dear friend, beware of any teaching, program, or method of finding freedom from sin that does not have Jesus Christ at the center; for there is no other way to solve the sin problem than through Jesus. There is no other way to be reconciled to God, to be changed from His enemy to His friend, or to cease evil behavior, than through Jesus.
I had tried many different avenues to find freedom from pornography. I went to counseling, read numerous books, sought out the help of a famous evangelist, went to meetings with pastors who had fallen, and more.
Since I've been working with course members, I have found that there are hundreds of programs, methods, books, etc., out there offering to help you break free from this addiction. A simple search on the Internet for "sexual addiction" results in thousands of websites.
Question 5
问题 5
Have you tried other methods to be free from sexual sin? If so, what were they?
The results. The death of Jesus Christ means that God has done something about our sin problem. It shows us that He is committed to eradicating sin and has taken radical action to dispose of it, by putting His Son to death in our place.
What are the results of Jesus' death on the cross? "But now he has reconciled you by Christ's physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation." This is a marvelous truth with practical results. Because of Jesus'
death on the cross, we who have been reconciled to God are holy, without blemish, and free from accusation.
Question 6
问题 6
By way of reflection, please describe (1) how your sin has impacted your relationship with God, (2) what is God's provision for sin, and (3) how will this change your life.
认真思考后,请描述 (1)你的罪如何影响到你与神的关系;(2)神为罪所预备的救恩是什么;(3)这将如何改变你的生命。
Question 7
问题 7
Please provide your comments on the following Scripture passage: "God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God" (2 Corinthians 5:21). Write your comments here:
请写出你对以下经文的见解:“神使那无罪的,替我们成为罪,好叫我们在祂里面成为神的义” (哥林多后书5:21)
Question 8
问题 8
Please provide your comments on the following Scripture passages:
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:16-17
神爱世人,甚至将祂的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信他的,不至灭亡,反得永生。因为神差他的儿子降世,不是要定世人的罪,乃是要叫世人因他得救。约翰福音 3:16-17
Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husbands will, but born of God. John 1:12,13
凡接待他的,就是信他名的人,他就赐他们权柄,作神的儿女。这等人不是从血气生的,不是从情欲生的,也不是从人意生的,乃是从神生的。约翰福音 1:12,13
Question 9
问题 9
Please provide your comments on the following Scripture passage:
For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve.
After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers at the same time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep. 1 Corinthians 15:3-6
我当日所领受又传给你们的,第一,就是基督照圣经所说,为我们的罪死了,而且埋葬了,又照圣经所说,第三天复活了,并且显给矶法看,然后显给十二使徒看,后来一时显给五百多弟兄看,其中一大半到如今还在,却也有已经睡了的。 哥林多前书 15:3-6
Question 10
问题 10
Friend, possibly you are still an enemy of God in your mind because of your evil behavior. Maybe it is time to put up the white flag of surrender and ask God to reconcile you to Himself.
If you know that you need to be holy, without blemish and free from accusation, why not ask God right now for help, Friend. Here is a place to put your thoughts and prayers to Him in writing:
朋友, 也许在你的头脑中,因着你的恶行,你仍然在与神为敌。现在是时候举起白旗向神投降,并请求神让你与祂和好。
After the meeting with my pastor where I confessed to involvement with pornography, I began seeking the Lord earnestly. Up to that point, I thought that I had committed the unpardonable sin, and that God was probably finished with me and I was now useless for the rest of my life. But soon afterward I found Deuteronomy 4:25-31.
This passage states that the children of God would become corrupt, make themselves idols to worship, assimilate into the practices of the surrounding nations, and do evil against the Lord for many years.
But then my eyes fell upon verse 29: "But if from there, you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul.
When you are in distress and all these things have happened to you, then in later days you will return to the LORD your God and obey him. For the LORD your God is a merciful God; he will not abandon or destroy you or forget the covenant with your forefathers, which he confirmed to them by oath."
Those words penetrated to my soul: "But if from there...." But if from there, you seek the Lord with all your heart, you will find Him. Wherever your "there" is, if you will seek the Lord from "there," you will find Him. And He will make you holy, without blemish, and free from accusation.
那些话直抵我的灵魂深处:“ 但你们在那里...”但在那里,如果你尽心寻求主,就必寻见。无论你的“那里”在哪里,若你在“那里”寻求主,就必寻见。而且祂将使你成为圣洁,没有瑕疵,无可指责。
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks, the door will be opened. Matthew 7:7
你们祈求,就给你们;寻找,就寻见;叩门,就给你们开门。马太福音 7:7
Question 11
问题 11
Summarize today's teaching. What changes will you make in your life because of the Scripture that you have read today? Also, how may we pray for you today?
总结一下今天的教导。因着今天所读的经文,你的生命中将会有哪些改变? 还有,今天我们要怎样为你祷告?
Additional reading: Mike Cleveland has written an article on the topic of "Sin and Salvation." To view the article in a new window, click here.
补充阅读:Mike Cleveland写过一篇文章,题目是“罪与救赎”。请点击这里阅读这篇文章。
To clarify what the first accountability question means, we have included the following explanation.
What does "feasting" mean?"
Feasting" is more than just reading the Bible; it is a term to express the nourishing of our souls in Jesus Christ.
It means that we are sitting at the feet of Jesus, hearing His Word and believing it, for the purpose of implementing the truths into our lives. It means we are receiving spiritual nourishment and we are delighting our souls in His grace and truth.
This may be done in reading our Bibles, hearing God's Word preached, interacting with others in the Scriptures, and studying through this course, etc. This definition is at least a start; further explanation is included in the lessons.
Have you been feasting on God's word?
Yes是 No 否
If so, when was the last time you feasted? And how? In other words, how did you enjoy God? Reading? Prayer? Worship? Fellowship? Witnessing?
These next, tough, accountability questions apply to the entire period since you did your last lesson.
Were you free from pornography since you did the last lesson?
Yes是 No否
Were you free from self-gratification since you did the last lesson?
Yes是 No 否
Were you free from sexual immorality since you did the last lesson?
Yes是 No否
If you answered "no" to any of the above questions, tell us what led to your fall. If you answered "yes" to the above questions, you may use this area for questions or additional comments.
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