The final weekend before Christmas is not a great time to visit a shopping mall! Even if you're fortunate enough to find a parking spot, the press of people inside makes shopping almost impossible.
I heard one mother giving final instructions to her young son before plunging into the crowd: "Stay close to me and hold my hand all the time. We won't get separated if we hold on to each other."
As Jesus prepared his disciples to face life without his visible presence, he impressed on them the importance of staying close to him spiritually. He said "remain in me." If you have ever longed to understand the secret of spiritual growth, you will find it in Jesus' words to us in John 15.
Let's begin today's lesson with a truth worth memorizing: truly stopping habitual sin requires ongoing intimacy with God.
Stated another way, enjoying true intimacy with Jesus Christ breaks the attraction of sexual impurity's false intimacy. This is why recovery programs based on "changing behavior" won't produce genuine and lasting freedom—enjoying Jesus Christ must replace the love of pornography and impurity.
换句话说,享受与耶稣基督真实亲密打破了性淫秽虚假亲昵的吸引。这就是为什么基于“改变行为”的复原课程无法产生真正和长久的释放 - 享受耶稣基督必须取代对色情和污秽的爱恋。
Please read the following Scripture:
4 Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.
5 "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.
6 If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned.
7 If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.
8 This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.
9 "As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.
10 If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father's commands and remain in his love.
11 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. John 15:4-11
4 你们要常在我里面,我也常在你们里面。枝子若不常在葡萄树上,自己就不能结果子;你们若不常在我里面,也是这样。
5 我是葡萄树,你们是枝子;常在我里面的,我也常在他里面,这人就多结果子;因为离了我,你们就不能作什么。
6 人若不常在我里面,就像枝子丢在外面枯干,人拾起来,扔在火里烧了。
7 你们若常在我里面,我的话也常在你们里面;凡你们所愿意的,祈求就给你们成就。
8 你们多结果子,我父就因此得荣耀,你们也就是我的门徒了。
9 我爱你们,正如父爱我一样,你们要常在我的爱里。
10 你们若遵守我的命令,就常在我的爱里;正如我遵守了我父的命令,常在他的爱里。
11 “这些事我已经对你们说了,是要叫我的喜乐存在你们心里,并叫你们的喜乐可以满足。约翰福音 15:4-11
After you've thought through that passage for a few minutes, please answer these questions:
Question 1
问题 1
Jesus' instructions to his disciples in this passage revolve around three symbols: the vine, the gardener, and the branches. What is Jesus communicating by calling Himself the Vine?
Question 2
问题 2
What is the significance of calling His disciples "branches"?
It's important for us to become "branches"—nobody shares in the life of Christ without a faith relationship with Him.
对于我们来说成为“枝子”很重要 - 没有人能共享基督的生命而与祂没有以信心建立起来的关系。
Question 3
问题 3
How many times is the word "remain" used in the verses above?
以上的经节里“在… 里面”这个词用给了多少次?
Question 4
问题 4
Instead of commanding us to bear fruit, why is Jesus' only command "remain in me" (vs. 4)?
In summary: remain in the love of Jesus, and your joy will be complete. If your joy in Jesus is complete, Friend, you will not need to look for it anywhere else. Your slavery to sin is broken when your love and joy are complete!
Question 5
问题 5
What do you think it means to remain in Christ?
Question 6
问题 6
The fruit produced by the remaining branch is often viewed as a reference to new converts. But branches produce grapes, not other branches. What other possible meanings are there for fruit?
Question 7
问题 7
How does Galatians 5:22-23relate to what we're studying: "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control."
We can do nothing on our own—certainly not overcome pornography, self-gratification, adultery, or any type of sexual impurity! But if we remain in Jesus, He will produce fruit through us... and one of those fruits is self-control.
Therefore, we shouldn't focus so much on overcoming sexual sin as we do on abiding (dwelling) in Jesus Christ. This is the "secret" to growing in Christ and leaving immorality behind!
我们靠自己一无所成 - 肯定无法胜过色情、自我放纵、奸淫,或是任何形式的淫秽!但是如果我们在基督里,祂将通过我们结出果子… 而其中的果子之一就是节制。
Please read the following story:
54 Then seizing him, they led him away and took him into the house of the high priest. Peter followed at a distance.
55 But when they had kindled a fire in the middle of the courtyard and had sat down together, Peter sat down with them.
56 A servant girl saw him seated there in the firelight. She looked closely at him and said, "This man was with him."
57 But he denied it. "Woman, I don't know him," he said.
58 A little later someone else saw him and said, "You also are one of them."
"Man, I am not!" Peter replied.
59 About an hour later another asserted, "Certainly this fellow was with him, for he is a Galilean."
60 Peter replied, "Man, I don't know what you're talking about!" Just as he was speaking, the rooster crowed.
61 The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter. Then Peter remembered the word the Lord had spoken to him: "Before the rooster crows today, you will disown me three times."
62 And he went outside and wept bitterly.Luke 22:54-62
54 他们拿住耶稣,把他带到大祭司的宅里。彼得远远的跟着。
55 他们在院子里生了火,一同坐着,彼得也坐在他们中间。
56 有一个使女看见彼得坐在火光里,就定睛看他,说:“这个人素来也是同那人一伙的。”
57 彼得却不承认,说:“女子,我不认得他。”
58 过了不多的时候,又有一个人看见他,说:“你也是他们一党的。”彼得说:“你这个人!我不是。”
59 约过了一小时,又有一个人极力地说:“他实在是同那人一伙的,因为他也是加利利人。”
60 彼得说:“你这个人!我不晓得你说的是什么。”正说话之间,鸡就叫了。61 主转过身来看彼得。彼得便想起主对他所说的话:“今日鸡叫以先,你要三次不认我。”
62 他就出去痛哭。 路加福音22:54-62
Peter denied Christ, cursed, and stated that he did not know Jesus. He fell three times in a row, one right after the other. Why? What happened?
Question 8
问题 8
Please write out the second sentence of verse 54 above:
"And Peter followed at a distance." Friend, this is a warning for us: anytime we distance ourselves from Christ, we will fall. We must remain intimate with Him, enjoying fellowship with our Savior moment by moment.
Next, please read the following quote and share your thoughts below.
Not all that seem to be branches are branches of the true Vine. Many branches fall off the trees when the high winds begin to blow—all that are rotten branches.
So in times of temptation, or trial, or persecution, many false professors drop away. Many that seemed to be believers went back, and walked no more with Jesus. They followed Jesus, they prayed with Him, they praised Him; but they went back, and walked no more with Him.
So it is still. Many among us doubtless seem to be converted; they begin well and promise fair, who will fall off when winter comes. Some have fallen off, I fear, already; some more may be expected to follow. These will not be blessed in dying.
Oh, of all deathbeds may I be kept from beholding the deathbed of the false professor! I have seen it before now, and I trust I may never see it again. They are not blessed after death. The rotten branches will burn more fiercely in the flames.
并不是所有看上去是枝子的都是真葡萄树的枝子。当狂风大作的时候很多枝子离开了树 - 那都是些腐败的枝子。
Oh, think what torment it will be, to think that you spent your life in pretending to be a Christian, and lost your opportunity of becoming one indeed! Your hell will be all the deeper, blacker, hotter, that you knew so much of Christ, and were so near Him, and found Him not. Robert Murray McCheyne
哦,想想将受的痛苦,想想你耗尽你的一生自称是基督徒,却失去成为真正的基督徒的机会!你的地狱将是更深、更黑暗、更炙热,你已经懂得太多基督,而且离祂如此的近,却没有找到祂。Robert Murray McCheyne
Question 9
问题 9
Share your thoughts on this quotation here:
Question 10
问题 10
How does 1 John 2:27compare with what we are studying today: "As for you, the anointing you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you about all things and as that anointing is real, not counterfeit—just as it has taught you, remain in him."
约翰一书 2:27 与我们今天所学的可以如何比较:“你们从主所受的恩膏常存在你们心里,并不用人教训你们,自有主的恩膏在凡事上教训你们。这恩膏是真的,不是假的,你们要按这恩膏的教训住在主里面。”
Course member Tom wrote, "Just as the vine cannot bear fruit, neither can we, without Christ. We cannot free ourselves from sin. We need Him in every step of this battle. Through Christ, I will be freed from pornography.
That is a promise in the Bible. I have asked that He would free me, and I am sure it is in God's will for it to be, so it is going to be done! Truly stopping a pornographic addiction requires an ongoing intimacy with God."
学员 Tom写到,“就像是不能结果子的葡萄树,离了基督我也不能。我们无法自己从罪中得到释放。在这场争战的每一步我们都需要祂。通过基督,我将从色情中被释放。这是在圣经中的应许。我曾祈求祂要释放我,而且我确信这是神的旨意,因此这必将成就!真正停止色情瘾要求有一种与神的持续亲密。”
Question 11
问题 11
Finally, please share your thoughts on the following quote:
We are plainly taught in the Word of God that as many as have believed are one with Christ: they are married to him, there is a conjugal union based upon mutual affection. The union is closer still, for there is a vital union between Christ and his saints.
They are in him as the branches are in the vine; they are members of the body of which he is the head. They are one with Jesus in such a true and real sense that with him they died, with him they have been buried, with him they are raised; with him they are raised up together and made to sit together in heavenly places. There is an indissoluble union between Christ and all his people: I in them and they in me.
Thus the union may be described: "Christ is in his people the hope of glory, and they are dead and their life is hid with Christ in God. This is a union of the most wonderful kind, which figures may faintly set forth, but which it is impossible for language completely to explain.
Oneness to Jesus is one of the fat things full of marrow. For if it be so, indeed, that we are one with Christ, then because he lives we must live also; because he was justified by his resurrection,
we also are justified in him; because he is rewarded and forever sits down at his Father's right hand, we also have obtained the inheritance in him and by faith grasp it now and enjoy its earnest.
Charles Spurgeon
与耶稣合而为一是一种满髓的肥甘。因为如果真的是这样,我们与基督合一,那么因为祂活着,我们也一定会活着;因为祂靠自己的复活成为义,我们也将在祂里面称为义;因为祂被奖赏并永远坐在祂的天父的右边,我们也在祂里面同得基业,并因着信现在就得着了并享受着这一真诚。 查尔斯·司布真(Charles Spurgeon)
Question 12
问题 12
Philippians 4:13states, "I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength." Can you break free from addiction to pornography and immorality through Jesus Christ?
Question 13
Friend, each mentor prays for his or her students. Please let us know how you are doing:
It might help you to read a summary of the previous 10 days of the course, Friend. You may print this out and review it or just keep it for further reference. To read the review, please click here.
Thoughts to consider:
20 "My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message,
21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.
22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one:
23 I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me." John 17:20-23
20 “我不但为这些人祈求,也为那些因他们的话信我的人祈求,
21 使他们都合而为一。正如你父在我里面,我在你里面,使他们也在我们里面,叫世人可以信你差了我来。
22 你所赐给我的荣耀,我已赐给他们,使他们合而为一,像我们合而为一。
23 我在他们里面,你在我里面,使他们完完全全地合而为一,叫世人知道你差了我来,也知道你爱他们如同爱我一样。 约翰福音17:20-23
To clarify what the first accountability question means, we have included the following explanation.
What does "feasting" mean?
"Feasting" is more than just reading the Bible; it is a term to express the nourishing of our souls in Jesus Christ.
It means that we are sitting at the feet of Jesus, hearing His Word and believing it, for the purpose of implementing the truths into our lives. It means we are receiving spiritual nourishment and we are delighting our souls in His grace and truth.
This may be done in reading our Bibles, hearing God's Word preached, interacting with others in the Scriptures, and studying through this course, etc. This definition is at least a start; further explanation is included in the lessons.
Have you been feasting on God's word?
Yes是 No 否
If so, when was the last time you feasted? And how? In other words, how did you enjoy God? Reading? Prayer? Worship? Fellowship? Witnessing?
These next, tough, accountability questions apply to the entire period since you did your last lesson.
Were you free from pornography since you did the last lesson?
Yes是 No否
Were you free from self-gratification since you did the last lesson?
Yes是 No 否
Were you free from sexual immorality since you did the last lesson?
Yes是 No否
If you answered "no" to any of the above questions, tell us what led to your fall. If you answered "yes" to the above questions, you may use this area for questions or additional comments.
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