"Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when men cast insults at you, and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely, on account of Me" (Matt. 5:10-11). “为义受逼迫的人有福了!因为天国是他们的。人若因我的名辱骂你们,捏造各样坏话毁谤你们,你们就有福了”(太5:10-11)。 The persecution you receive for proclaiming Christ is really aimed at Christ Himself. 你因传扬基督所受的逼迫其实是针对基督自己。 Savonarola has been called the Burning Beacon of the Reformation. His sermons denouncing the sin and corruption of the Roman Catholic Church of his day helped pave the way for the Protestant Reformation. Many who heard his powerful sermons went away half-dazed, bewildered, and speechless. Often sobs of repentance resounded throughout the entire congregation as the Spirit of God moved in their hearts. However, some who heard him couldn't tolerate the truth and eventually had him burned at the stake. 萨沃纳罗拉被称为宗教改革点燃的灯塔。他的讲道痛斥了同时代罗马天主教会的罪和腐败,帮助铺平了新教改革的道路。他的讲道充满能力,许多听他讲道的人离开时都头晕目眩、沉默无言。当神的灵感动会众的心,整个会堂常常回响着一片悔改的啜泣声。然而,却有一些听道的人无法容忍这真理,并最终将萨沃纳罗拉绑在了火刑柱上。 Jesus said, "'A slave is not greater than his master.' If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you" (John 15:20). Sinful people will not tolerate a righteous standard. Prior to Christ's birth, the world had never seen a perfect man. The more people observed Christ, the more their own sinfulness stood out in stark contrast. That led some to persecute and finally kill Him, apparently thinking that by eliminating the standard they wouldn't have to keep it. 耶稣说,“‘仆人不能大于主人。’他们若逼迫了我,也要逼迫你们”(约15:20)。有罪的世人不会容忍一个公义的标准。在基督降生以前,世界从未见过一个完美的人。人们越多观察基督,他们自身的罪性越多凸显出来,与耶稣形成鲜明对照。这导致有些人要逼迫主并最终杀害他,似乎想藉着除灭标准,他们就不必去遵守它。 Psalm 35:19 prophesies that people would hate Christ without just cause. That is true of Christians as well. People don't necessarily hate us personally but resent the holy standard we represent. They hate Christ, but He isn't here to receive their hatred, so they lash out at His people. For Savonarola that meant death. For you it might mean social alienation or other forms of persecution. 诗篇35:19预言人们会无理地恨基督。人们对基督徒也是这样。他们不必恨我们每个个人,而是憎恨我们所代表的圣洁标准。他们恨基督,祂却不能当面接受他们的憎恨,于是他们猛烈攻击祂的子民。对萨沃纳罗拉而言就是丧命,对你可能意味着社会的疏远或其他形式的逼迫。 Whatever comes your way, remember that your present sufferings are not worthy to be compared with the glory you will one day experience (Rom. 8:18). Therefore, "to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing" (1 Pet. 4:13). 无论临到你的是什么,记住,你现今的受苦不足以和有一天你将要经历的荣耀相比(罗8:18)。因此,“倒要欢喜;因为你们是与基督一同受苦”(彼前4:13). When you suffer for Christ's sake, thank Him for that privilege, recalling how much He suffered for you. 当你因基督的缘故受苦,感谢主给予你这特权,也要回想祂为你受了何等大的苦。 Before his conversion, the apostle Paul (otherwise known as Saul) violently persecuted Christians, thinking he was doing God a favor. Read Acts 8:1-3, 9:1-31, and 1 Timothy 1:12-17, noting Paul's transformation from persecutor to preacher. 在信耶稣之前,使徒保罗(也被称为扫罗)激烈地逼迫基督徒,他以为自己在帮神的忙。阅读使徒行传8:1-3,9:1-31,以及提摩太前书1:12-17,留意保罗如何从逼迫者变成了传道者。 |
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